Today I found out that I have only 3 classes left until I can graduate with my Associates Degree. It may not seem like a big deal, but it's taken me 10 years to complete 5 semesters' worth of work. Between getting married, having a baby, and dealing with some health problems and a LOT of moves... it's been a long 10 years and I still have a long way to go. So am I going to go into Memory Research? Or do I want to steer a new course towards something entirely different? I have time to figure that out. I just enrolled in my last three classes... and we'll see where I go from there.
I was feeling very down last week about not having "Accomplished" anything, and now I am so close to one of my goals. What is your favorite accomplishment?
I have been meanting to tell you that you should try to pick up the magazine "Discovery Presents The Brain" Issue for Fall 2010. It has a ton of information on memory. I keep thinking of you when I read the article.
Congratulations on your accomplishment. Don't sell yourself short though lady.
I can think of a few huge accomplishments.
One is named Austin
Another is named Marriage. ;)
What am I proud of. I am proud of accomplishing a goal I made for myself when I was 6 years old- to end the cycle of violence. I have met and continue to meet that almost daily.
I have to say, finishing my Bachelors Degree and putting myself through college is still pretty great. :)
Awesome! You give me renewed inspiration to sign up for the classes I need to finish my degree.
My favorite accomplishment, so far, is everything I did in '06 to pave the road for the happiness I have now.
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