Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 287

Apparently it took this long, but I had another big break down yesterday.  I was feeling overwhelmed by all the things I needed to get done, but now I’m fine.  It just took a half hour face down on my bed sobbing and some taco bell…and now I’m all better.  Yes, I’ll admit, talking to Mr. B last night definitely helped me towards feeling better too.  We were able to have a long Skype conversation—it had been a good month since our last one and we all needed it.  Little Monster has been in such a good mood today.

I made him clean his bathroom while I was doing homework and he was in there just singing & cleaning away.  There were so many funny things he said today.

We played cribbage, bought some spray paint to paint his bed frame, carved one of our pumpkins and he painted part of the one he is working on…we colored, had some tickle time; it was a great day.

I can’t believe it’s already half-way through the semester.  I have been struggling a lot this time around, mostly because I’m just having such a hard time balancing everything. I think I’ve finally got school all figured out, but then I’ve had some other stuff come up and I’ve been working to fit that in too.  I’m making it all happen though.  I really just need to remember to breathe and take some time out for myself at least once a week.  So I’m working on it.

Now, back to mid-terms…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had a crying jag myself yesterday. Chocolate cake really helped me. After 12 pieces I could've done your homework for you. ;)
Hang in there!